DRA Tradition Five
"Tradition 5: Each group is independent, to better meet the recovery needs of our members. We are sensitive to the well being and unity of other groups and to D.R.A. as a whole."
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Tradition Five
5:- “Each group is independent, to better meet the recovery needs of our members. We are sensitive to the well being and unity of other groups and to D.R.A. as a whole.”
A core principle behind the Fifth Tradition is that each DRA Group is an independent entity and manages its own affairs so that it best fulfills its Primary Purpose. By utilizing the wisdom found in the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, Groups remain sensitive to the well-being of other Groups and DRA as a whole.
Members share their thoughts on the Fifth Tradition
Our Group takes a Group Conscience for just about everything. We’re small and have very little funding. Sometimes we need to do things a little different than the bigger Groups. I’m glad we are allowed that flexibility.
My Home Group is more than a collection of individuals. It is a spiritual entity with its own unique characteristics. At the same time, it’s a regular 12 Step DRA meeting which makes it part of the great whole that makes up the DRA Fellowship.
When we formed our Group, a lot of us wanted to call ourselves The Double Trouble Group. Then we found out that another dual recovery 12 Step organization had the words Double Trouble in its name. While we are sure it is a fine program, we didn’t want to confuse our Dual Recovery Anonymous Group with any other Fellowship or organization or show a possible outside affiliation. After we thought about it, we decided that using a name that was so closely associated with another established recovery organization might cause confusion for people trying to find meetings of either particular fellowship. We also discussed the possibility that it might sort of water down the image of DRA as a whole even though the term “Double Trouble” would be used in a generic manner. We came to a Group consensus when one member said she wished our Group name would reflect the DRA attitude of believable hope in some way… something inviting and friendly. Something based in the solution.
Our Group asks our Group Service Representative (GSR) to stay in contact with DRA World Network Central Office at least 4 times a year. When our GSR writes the World Network Office, she often does it in a way that the letters could also be published in DRA’s Vision newsletter if they wanted to. They really are articles about our Group and how we have grown, what events we have put on, and how we have solved problems. We feel that these are good ways for us to be sensitive to other DRA Groups and to the Fellowship as a whole.
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